Welcome to our material datasheet page for O-rings! Here, you can find detailed information about the physical and chemical properties of the various O-ring materials we offer. Our material datasheets provide all the information you need to make an informed decision about which material is right for your specific application.
Our datasheets include information on a variety of O-ring materials, including NBR, EPDM, FKM, and VMQ, among others. Each datasheet includes a wealth of information, such as the material's tensile strength, elongation at break, compression set, and hardness. We also provide information on each material's high and low temperatures and environmental factors, as well as its FDA compliance, if applicable.
Our goal is to provide you with all the information you need to select the best O-ring material for your application. With our material datasheets, you can easily compare and contrast the properties of each material, and make an informed decision based on your specific needs. This can help you avoid costly mistakes and ensure the longevity and reliability of your equipment and machinery.
Our material datasheets are available for download in PDF format, making them easy to access and save for future reference. They are also available in multiple languages, making them accessible to customers worldwide.
At our company, we pride ourselves on providing high-quality O-ring products and exceptional customer service. By providing comprehensive material datasheets, we are committed to helping our customers make informed decisions and achieve the best results possible.
In conclusion, our material datasheets for O-rings are a valuable resource for anyone looking to select the best material for their application. With detailed information on physical and chemical properties, our material datasets are a must-have tool for anyone in the industry. Download our datasheets today to make an informed decision and ensure the success of your project!
Datasheet: NBR - Nitrile - 60 Shore A - Black
Datasheet: NBR - Nitrile - 70 Shore A - Black
Datasheet: NBR - Nitrile - 70 Shore A - Black - FDA
Datasheet: NBR - Nitrile - 70 Shore A - Black - FDA - NSF
Datasheet: NBR - Nitrile - 80 Shore A - Black
Datasheet: NBR - Nitrile - 90 Shore A - Black
Datasheet: EPDM - 60 Shore A - Sulfur - Black
Datasheet: EPDM - 70 Shore A - Sulfur - Black
Datasheet: EPDM - 70 Shore A - Black - Peroxide - FDA - EC1935/2004
Datasheet: EPDM - 80 Shore A - Black - Sulfur
Datasheet: EPDM - 80 Shore A - Black - Peroxide - FDA - EC1935/2004
EPDM - 90 Shore A - Sulfur - Black
Datasheet: FKM - FPM - Viton - 60 Shore A - Black
Datasheet: FKM - FPM - Viton - 70 Shore A - Black
Datasheet: FKM - FPM - Viton - 75 Shore A - Black
Datasheet: FKM - FPM - Viton - 75 Shore A - Black - BAM
Datasheet: FKM - FPM - Viton - 75 Shore A - Brown
Datasheet: FKM - FPM - Viton - 75 Shore A - Brown - FDA - EC1935/2004
Datasheet: FKM - FPM - Viton - 75 Shore A - Green
Datasheet: FKM - FPM - Viton - 75 Shore A - Green - FDA - EC1935/2004
Datasheet: FKM - FPM - Viton - 80 Shore A - Black
Datasheet: FKM - FPM - Viton - 80 Shore A - Brown
Datasheet: FKM - FPM - Viton - 80 Shore A - Brown - FDA - EC1935/2004
Datasheet: FKM - FPM - Viton - 80 Shore A - Green
Datasheet: FKM - FPM - Viton - 80 Shore A - Green - FDA - EC1935/2004
Datasheet: FKM - FPM - Viton - 90 Shore A - Black
Datasheet: FKM - FPM - Viton - 90 Shore A - Black - AED
Datasheet: FKM - FPM - Viton - 90 Shore A - Black - GF - AED
Datasheet: FKM - FPM - Viton - 90 Shore A - Black - LT60 - AED
Datasheet: FKM - FPM - Viton - 90 Shore A - Black - PLT - AED
Datasheet: FKM - FPM - Viton - 90 Shore A - Brown
Datasheet: FKM - FPM - Viton - 90 Shore A - Green
Datasheet: FKM - FPM - Viton - FEP - Black - FDA - EC1935/2004
HNBR - 70 Shore A - Black
Datasheet: HNBR - 70 Shore A - Green
Datasheet: HNBR - 80 Shore A - Black
Datasheet: HNBR - 90 Shore A - Black
Datasheet: HNBR - 90 Shore A - Black - AED
Datasheet: HNBR - 90 Shore A - Black - LT55 - AED
Datasheet: HNBR - 90 Shore A - Green
Datasheet: VMQ - MVQ - Silicone - 60 Shore A - Red - FDA - EC935/2004
Datasheet: VMQ - MVQ - Silicone - 70 Shore A - Red - FDA & EC1935/2004
Datasheet: VMQ - MVQ - Silicone - 70 Shore A - Transparant - FDA & EC1935/2004
Datasheet: VMQ - MVQ - Silicone - 80 Shore A - Red - FDA
Datasheet: VMQ - MVQ - Silicone - FEP - Red - FDA - EC1935/2004
Datasheet: FFKM - FFPM - Kalrez - O-rings - 60 Shore A - Black - F606Z94
Datasheet: FFKM - FFPM - 70 Shore A - Black - F707Z94 - FDA - 3A Sanitary - USP CLass VI - High Temp
Datasheet: FFKM - FFPM - 70 Shore A - White - F707W94 - FDA - EC1935/2004 - 3A Sanitary - USP Class VI - High Temp
Datasheet: FFKM - FFPM - 75 Shore A - Black - F757Z75
Datasheet: FFKM - FFPM - 75 Shore A - Black - F757ZFD - FDA - USP Class VI
Datasheet: FFKM - FFPM - 75 Shore A - Black - F707ZHC
Datasheet: FFKM - FFPM - 75 Shore A - Black - F758Z94 - Kalrez 6375
Datasheet: FFKM - FFPM - 75 Shore A - Black - F758Z96 - Kalrez 4079 - High Temp
Datasheet: FFKM - FFPM - 75 Shore A - Black - F758ZSR - Hot Water - Steam
Datasheet: FFKM - FFPM - 80 Shore A - White - F808W94 - FDA - USP Class VI
Datasheet: FFKM - FFPM - 80 Shore A - White - F808W95 - FDA - High Temp
Datasheet: FFKM - FFPM - 90 Shore A - Black - F909Z93
Datasheet: FFKM - FFPM - 90 Shore A - Black - F909Z94 - Low Temp
Datasheet: FFKM - FFPM - 90 Shore A - Black - F909ZED - AED
Datasheet: FFKM - FFPM - 90 Shore A - Black - F909ZEX - Norsok M710 - AED - High Temp
Datasheet: FFKM - FFPM - 90 Shore A - Black - F909ZLT - Norsok M710 - AED - Low Temp
Datasheet: PTFE - Teflon - FDA - White
Datasheet: ECO - O-rings - 70 Shore A - Black
Datasheet: CR - Neoprene - O-rings - 70 Shore A - Black
Datasheet: ACM - O-rings - 70 Shore A - Black
Datasheet: FEPM - O-rings - 75 Shore A - Black
All items marked with a * are required.